
A Bespoke.js theme by Flávio Coutinho


  1. Supported plugins
  2. Slide transitions
  3. Layouts
  4. Typography
  5. Utility classes

Supported plugins

  1. List of plugins we have styling for
  2. Example of bespoke-state

Supported plugins (1/2)

The following plugins have rules regarding their styling:

Progress bar at the top (+slide number)
For slide numbers, use fegemo's branch (github:fegemo/bespoke-progress#slide-number on package.json)
Shows a slide part (.bespoke-bullet) by part with sliding animation
Properly scales to fit the screen
For improved performance, use fegemo's branch (github:fegemo/bespoke-progress#use-current-slide on package.json)

Supported plugins (2/2)

These plugins too have rules regarding their styling:

Allows Ctrl-Fing into the presentation
Styles slide backgrounds
Shows zoomed out slides when hit ESC
Styles the "emphatic" and "show-active-slide-and-previous" states

Using the bespoke-state plugin

With a data-bespoke-state="STHG", We can add different effects:

Makes the whole presentation have an impactful color
Shows the previous and the current slide together

Slide transitions

Sliding 1/3

.transition-sliding on the slide

Sliding 2/3

.transition-sliding on the slide

Sliding 3/3

.transition-sliding on the slide

Subtle 1/3

.transition-subtle on the slide

Subtle 2/3

.transition-subtle on the slide

Subtle 3/3

.transition-subtle on the slide

Giant Wheel 1/3

.transition-giant-wheel on the slide

Giant Wheel 2/3

.transition-giant-wheel on the slide

Giant Wheel 3/3

.transition-giant-wheel on the slide

Grow 1/3

.transition-grow on the slide

Grow 2/3

.transition-grow on the slide

Grow 3/3

.transition-grow on the slide


This is a .layout-section-header slide

layout options
There are several slide layouts available
It requires a <h1>, <h2> and something else with a .content

Regular layout

To specify the slide's layout, add a class in the form .layout-NAME, such as .layout-section-header.

If a layout is not specified (we called it a regular slide), it looks like this one. It is just a vertical flex, no mistery.

Strongs are styled with an accent color, but can also use an .alternate-color.

Centered layout

If you like things centered, you can make it vertically centered (.layout-centered-vertical), horizontally (.layout-centered-horizontal - this one) or in both directions (.layout-centered).

The .layout-centered is a flexbox with:

justify-content: center
align-items: center

A centered layout (even the horizontal) does not center-align the text. To do so, add a .text-centered to the slide or element.

A title slide

Just a .layout-title with an <h1> and an <h2>

Title + 2 Columns

  1. There is also .layout-3-column-content and .layout-4-column-content layouts
  2. If you want an element to span all columns, use .span-columns
  3. The following code illustrates this slide's content:
<h1>Layout: .layout-column-content</h1>
<pre class="span-columns"><code>...</code></pre>

Slide with a highlight

One code

This is a layout that
allows 3 elements to
split the slide width

Two codes

Might be useful for
showing different
code files, for
example, as it allows
the code elements to
expand to full width
when hovered.

Three codes

This is called the
and it expects three
sequences of a title 
(h1..6) and another
element (e.g., a <pre>)

Circling balloons layout

Tall figure + content

Definition List

This is a .layout-centered slide

Term 1
It means this or that
Term 2
I really mean that it means it
Term 3
Can a canner can a can?

.layout-main-point Slide

Emphatic Slide


Styling of basic elements

  1. Text
  2. Code
  3. Lists
  4. Tables


Font-wise, titles use Amatic SC and body text use Source Code Pro.

BTW, ⬆️ shows styling for <strong> and <a> elements.

You can add .alternate-color to strongs too.

It is possible to quote in block:

Hey, someone else said this!Not me

The code was just:

  Hey, someone else said this!
  <cite>Not me</cite>

Source code

Inline code just needs a <code>content here</code> element.

Multiline code should go inside a <pre> with a <code> inside.

You can also add keyboard keys using <kbd>keys</kbd>.


The three types of HTML lists are stylized:

See an unordered list

  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3

Now an ordered list

  1. item 1
  2. item 2
  3. item 3

And a definition list

is a definition list
is a data term
is a data definition


Some nice looking styles for tables:

Web Programming students
Person identificationGrade

And some classes:

Utility classes

Useful ready-to-use styles

Positioning and sizing (1/3)

Floats element to the left or right
Floats the pres inside
Centralizes element (inside a flex)
Aligns an element left
Aligns an elemnt right
Automatic horizontal margins (and block)
Center-aligns inline content

Positioning and sizing (2/3)

Makes max dimensions to be 100%
Applies 50% width
Applies 75% width
Applies 100% max-width
Emoji inside the text
Something to appear inline (h: 1em)
Removes any margin
Removes any padding

Positioning and sizing (3/3)

Applies 100% width
Applies 80% width
Applies 60% width
Applies 40% width
Applies 20% width
Applies 100% height
Applies 80% height
Applies 60% height
Applies 40% height
Applies 20% height
Makes the image block

Slides and images

An HTML element treeAn HTML element treeAn HTML element treeAn HTML element tree
<figure class="figure-slides clean">
  <img src="..." class="figure-step bullet-no-anim contain">
  <img src="..." class="figure-step bullet-no-anim contain">
  <img src="..." class="figure-step bullet-no-anim contain">
  <img src="..." class="figure-step bullet-no-anim contain">


This is a and it only requires the class on a paragraph or list item.

This presents the .result of a computation in a <div> with a data-before="STHG" "label".
This shows a .did-you-know section with some collateral information in a <div>.
<p class="note info">
  There is also a <code>.note.warning</code> ...
<div class="result" data-before="Result">
  This presents the <code>.result</code> ...
<div class="did-you-know">
  This shows a <code>.did-you-know</code> ...

Buttons, switches and badges

Bookmarklet button

Bookmarklets are actually links with JS code which we can add to the favorites bar

Drag me to favorites

<a href="javascript:..." class="bookmarklet">
  Drag me to favorites


Just a more interesting style for checkboxes. It requires a checkbox with .switch followed by a properly configure <label>

<input type="checkbox"
              class="switch" id="sample">
<label for="sample">Sample switch</label>


Some badges with 2 different variations:

  • .badge.type1
  • .badge.type2
  • .badge


Removes the bullets from list items
  • This is a
  • horizontal list
  • using flex box
  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3
  • item 4
  • item 5
  • item 6

Layout: .layout-split-{2-5}

It is possible to split content in columns (using the flex class .layout-split-{2-5}. For example (.layout-split-3):

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 3

Layout: .code-split-{2,3}

To split code which is inside some parent (usually inside <li>) content in columns. Example with a <li class="code-split-3">:

Layout: .item-code-width-{image,result}

Make a list have a code and either an image or a .result to the right.

It can also be used with images instead of .results.

Layout: .card-list

  • Item 1

  • Item 2

  • Item 3

  • Item 4

  • Item 5

  • Item 1

  • Item 2

  • Item 3

  • Item 4

  • Item 5

The .card-list class turns a simple list into one with a title (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, figcaption) and an image.

The second is using modifiers:

Adds a large white border
Puts the title on top

Enjoy :)